Its an extremely stormy night tonight…..I can see the plants sway left and right…..violently shaken by the strong wind…Its awesome to look at…..awesome to watch the thrill…..but poor plant……they have to suffer while we enjoy the view….what an irony…..
Sitting by the window, I wonder what the plants would be saying if they were given the gift of speech….. What might they be thinking now? They are just so mum! Can’t shout for help…..
Just like the little girl getting molested by the known n trusted face….she loses her voice, for the moment, in her shock……abused violently by the strong man…….
Someone makes a movie, advertisement, documentary or play on it….and the audience rates it 5 star…praises the director and the actors….
“What excellent thought and very well conceptualized and enacted!”
“Awesome work of creativity……”
Clap, Clap, Clap!
“It was so heart-touching; it brought tears to my eyes….”
And the poor little girl, in the real world, is so fear stricken that all her tears have dried up, her reactions blocked….. The world just turns colourless for her….. Do we feel her heart ripping apart? Do we understand her trauma? Will we ever be able to gauge exactly what she is going through?
The storm just comes…..shakes up the plant violently….and leaves behind a shower of rain…..but the branches……bent and broken…..un-repairable damage…..abused for life……
Yet the plant stands up again….grows new branches, bears new leaves and fruits, and with a smile, offers its services to mankind…..
The girl too stands up…she has to live, she has to fight….she has to smile at others and be strong…..but she can never erase that one memory…… Here, takes the birth of a Stinger…… Buried firmly in her heart she vents out her anger at any male sex at any opportunity she gets her hand on……. With the picture etched in her mind, she distrusts any male figure throughout her life….. She is always petrified of those men…..
Is this called “Living”? Is this called a “Happy Life”?
She pretends to have over-come her past but has she or will she ever be able to? Especially when this history repeats itself at every nook and corner of life in the life of every 3rd little girl…..?
It still haunts her……the stormy night….the fragile tree…and the rain that followed…..