Sometimes I feel... Is this all worth it? This life full of gains and losses. One moment you are rich and the next moment you have nothing. All this laughing and crying. These emotions and attachments. Some say its a distraction. But is it really? Distraction from what? Or are we already distracted and need to bring our focus back to our emotions?
What is the purpose of emotions? The most common answer I got was "Emotions make us humans." But is that our goal? To become humans? Then why do we say that our end goal is to attain Nirvana? Nirvana means to attain that state where you no more need to take birth as a human and your soul can rest in peace. Am I right? I maybe wrong. Feel free to correct me.
But if our goal is to attain Nirvana, then why do we get so attached to our emotions, our human body which is temporary and this earth which too is a temporary home for us? Why do we feel that to earn and survive in this life is the most important tasks assigned to us?
What is the purpose of emotions? The most common answer I got was "Emotions make us humans." But is that our goal? To become humans? Then why do we say that our end goal is to attain Nirvana? Nirvana means to attain that state where you no more need to take birth as a human and your soul can rest in peace. Am I right? I maybe wrong. Feel free to correct me.
But if our goal is to attain Nirvana, then why do we get so attached to our emotions, our human body which is temporary and this earth which too is a temporary home for us? Why do we feel that to earn and survive in this life is the most important tasks assigned to us?