Friday, May 16, 2014

How do we Forgive Someone?

How many times have you found yourself saying these lines: "I can never ever forgive you for this!" ?? We all have at some points of our lives. In those situation, forgiveness seems to be the most difficult thing to do!

It's because somehow we blame ourselves for the situation we are in. If the person you love betrays you, you feel it was your fault you trusted him/her to begin with. If someone hurts you, you feel that it was your fault you let him/her break your heart.

But you need to forgive yourself first. You do not need to carry the burden of what has happened on your shoulders. Forgive yourself for doing what you feel you did wrong. Only then will you lighten up and feel free to forgive others.

Even after telling yourself, "It's ok. I forgive myself." if you find it difficult to forgive the other person then well, you are holding on to them. Not forgiving them is not really punishing them but stopping you from moving on!

It's true that you may never be able to trust that person again or be friends with that person. But forgiving them will help you to NOT think about them and regret them every moment of your life. It's ok to let go of people from your life. It hurts much less than holding onto them and feeling sad about it the whole time.

To forgive and to forget is something you sometimes absolutely need to do. In this case, forgiving seems much easier than forgetting. We are humans and not robots. We cannot delete memories. But memories do fade out. The moment you stop giving the person you forgave any more importance in your life, your brain automatically pushes the memories right at the back of your mind. 

Forgiving is the the only way to move on by all means. Nothing about that incident or person should stop you from moving forward once you have forgiven. You feel free to live the way you want without having a nagging feeling at the back of your mind. You get to feel good about yourself and about everything else around you. :)

So go and forgive whoever you have been regretting till now. Let them know that they are forgiven. Set them free too! You too will feel much better about it. Take a deep breathe and smile to yourself. :)

5 Simple Steps to Attract your Soulmate

We often get confused between the words Soul-Mate and Twin Flame. You can have more than one Soul Mate in your life. They are your Angels with whom you will always find it easy to connect and be yourself. They enter your life mostly to help you out. Some stay with you forever while some move on once their task is complete. Your Twin Flame is with whom your soul has a deep life-long love affair! So a Soul Mate can come into your life in various different roles - a friend, sibling, parent or lover.

You may or may not bump into your Twin Flame in every life you live but Soul Mates will always surround you. A relationship with a Soul Mate is always very easy. There might be conflicts but even then you feel they can be resolved easily. Somehow there will not be a space for negative feelings in a relationship with your Soul Mate. And even if there are, the amount of positivity you both share will out number those negative emotions.

If you feel like you still are waiting for your Soul Mate to enter your life, then wait no more! Here are 5 simple steps to invite them in! :)

1. Write down how you imagine your ideal mate to be like.
Writing down gives your thoughts a reality. Once you write down or even visualise spending time with your Soulmate, you are putting faith in your wishes. Makes them more concrete and clear. This will also give you clarity about who exactly you will be attracting in your life.

2. Let the Universe know.
Once you are sure about who you want as your Soulmate, let it out to the universe. The universe is always there to fulfill your demands. So don't feel shy about asking the Universe what you expect out of your Soulmate. You may visualise once every day and believe in it. Thank the universe already because you have faith.

3. Love your Soulmate.
So what he/she is not yet in your life? You can still love that person from the bottom of your heart! Love attracts all and most definitely the person who will make you smile like you have never before. So now that you have an idea of the kind of person you want to invite, start giving out a lot of love to him/her. The mere thought of that person would bring a smile on your face.

4. Be aware of coincidents / signs / Deja Vu moments.
Soulmates just happen to you. You might even know the person but have not realised that he/she is your soulmate. Be aware of the patterns and coincidents. Incidents where you both end up doing the same thing unintentionally. Telepathic conversations are very common in these kind of relationships. You may be thinking of him/her and they call! There will be a lot of Deja Vu moments when you are with him/her. Do not over look these signs!

5. Trust your intuition.
When you meet your ideal mate, you will simply know it. You need to trust your guts and pay attention to your intuition. People will start commenting on how good you both are together. Everyone around will start noticing your chemistry and bond. You will start feeling a sense of contentment when you are with that person. Just listen to that voice in you when it says, "This is it. You have found your Soulmate." :)

Monday, May 12, 2014


He became her happiness and she became his smile.
To understand their feelings, it took them a while. 

He held her close and she lay her head .
They hugged for eternity, "I love us too" he said. 

They let the moment pause, smiling at one another.
The Soulmates had finally found each other.

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